out of context


alt text: out of context discourse

About the Creator

Yes, I'm gay

For personal reasons, I am going to remain anonymous. I will say that I am over 18, use they/them pronouns, and honestly don't know anything about majority of the fandoms I post from.


This is a satire account

Why I don't (usually) credit people
Many of the people who post these images are minors, and I do not condone the harassment of the creators. I will only give credit if the original poster requests it.
I do not condone majority of the opinions I post
This is a joke account, made explicitly for the laffs. Please do not take anything here seriously.
I hope this does not need to be said, but you are not meant to feel safe here if you are a nazi/racist/transphobic/ableist/etc. I am making fun of you specifically.